
Free Checking
Free checking accounts have no fees and no minimum balance requirement. As long as you keep a positive balance in your account, all you’ll have to pay for are the printed checks–if checks are still your thing! When you qualify for free checking, you’ll automatically receive a VISA debit card with a possible $500.00 overdraft limit upon qualification.
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Green Checking
Make the switch to our Green Checking account today and start earning higher interest on balances over $2,500.00 while also helping the environment. With no minimum balance required to open the account, you can enjoy the benefits of a Visa debit card, Visa credit card (if desired), or Direct Deposit, along with online banking, eStatements, and free Bill Pay. Choose two of the three options and rest easy knowing that you are saving a tree with our paperless account. *10 paper checks or less.
Contact your local branch about setting up a Green Checking Account.

Youth Checking Account
Youth checking accounts are our special no-fee, no-paper checking account designed for young adults 16-21 years old. Members who qualify can be issued a Visa cebit card that can be used to pay for goods and services anywhere Visa is accepted worldwide. The card can also be used at all PLUS, CO-OP and STAR network ATMs. Online banking, Bill Pay, and eStatements come standard with the account to make it completely paperless and totally easy.
Contact your local branch about setting up a Youth Checking account today.

Value Checking
Value checking accounts are for those members who are trying to reestablish good credit. This account requires a $100.00 minimum balance. Members who qualify are issued a Visa debit card.

High Yield Checking
For members that keep large balances in their checking account, we offer an interest bearing checking option. This account requires a $1,000.00 minimum balance and check writing is limited to 25 checks per month. You’ll automatically receive a Visa debit card. Benefits include one free box of checks (standard type) per year and interest paid monthly.
Apply Today!
Credit Cards Personal Loans Vehicle Loans New Member Account Existing Member Account Check Status Apply for a MortgagePlease Note: In an effort to keep your personal information confidential, we will not be storing any information entered into any of the above applications after the application has been inactive for more than 10 minutes. Because you will have to start the application from the beginning after the 10 minutes of inactivity, please plan accordingly when you are completing an application.