TransWest Credit Uninon

Routing Number 324079115


Medicare Help

You can now get access to a trusted Medicare Insurance Agent through TransWest. Learn more here.

At TransWest we are constantly looking to find new services to help our members. So, we partnered with MedicareCU to give our members access to a trusted Medicare Insurance agent, Joel Furness (learn about him below). He will help you navigate your Medicare options and find the coverage that is right for you, based on your specific circumstances. We are confident you will be very satisfied with this service and excited that through TransWest you will have a trusted source for assistance with your Medicare decisions and questions.

Joel Furness

While completing his degree at the University of Utah, Joel was a Medicare Sales Associate for a major national carrier. With this education and workplace experience he has become a valued partner and perfect fit for MedicareCU. His degree in Strategic Communication empowers him to clearly transfer Medicare guidance to those individuals that meet with him. Joel enjoys all outdoor activities and sports especially golf, and skiing. He will be available to schedule a meeting with you at a branch or a different location more convenient to you.

Phone: 385-415-2829 | Email: [email protected]

To book a meeting with Joel click here!